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Mastering the Art of Change
Are You Ready to Change Resistance Into Success?
Learn the Entrepreneurs Motto of Success
Embrace Change and Use It To Your Advantage!
Accepting and managing Change often presents a roadblock for many people on a daily basis, from the simplest tasks of getting ready for the day ahead to major, life-changing actions and events. Change ‘is’ the one constant in your life; it has the power to propel your success or stop you in your tracks – the secret is knowing ‘why’ you are resisting Change and ‘how’ you can overcome it.
You may prefer to plan for every event in detail, or maybe you have the ability to make decisions or adapt to situations on the ‘spin of a coin’. Regardless of how well you receive or perceive Change, it is inevitable that, at times, circumstances will be beyond your control, and you will resist the inevitable!
Mastering the Art of Change is about identifying and understanding the possible triggers that bring out your resistance; it is knowing how to implement the right strategies at the right time, to work through and accept Change (planned and unexpected). The more you are able to accept Change and work within the ‘flow’, the more you will be in a position to take better advantage of the opportunities that come your way. “Learn to ride the wave of change rather than wasting your energy resisting the current!”
This program is extremely valuable for anyone in sales, project management, human resources or any business where you are required to work directly with individual personnel or team groups or departments.

“I would recommend this for any level of an organisation to improve and understand the dynamics of the workplace."
Kim. R. Director, Earthmoving Company
You Will Learn How To:
Identify the 6 contenders that charge resistance
Discover how to reframe and resolve challenges
Boost performance outcomes
Calm, control and pre-empt potential conflict
Increase efficiency and productivity
Create a collaborative culture
Use change to build and capitalize on opportunities
Profit and prosper from perturbation
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