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The Language of Leadership
Are you ready to unleash the leader within?
Learn the Language of Leadership, the Core Power of Influence, Initiative and intuition ~ Available To All, Understood By Few ~
Go beyond the façade of Leadership and straight to the ‘hidden seat of power’. Beneath the surface formulas and definitions, we look at the true core of leadership – the ability to see the ‘unseen’ to work with it and build it into something tangible for others to see, touch and feel.
Powerful leaders demonstrate this in their ability to influence the masses; it is the principles they live by and the philosophies they teach. If you are going to work hard anyway, work smarter by expanding your influence as a leader rather than a follower.
Some people are born leaders – most are self-made! There is no special club that you have to belong to or no one person appointed to hand out titles to a select few. Your role as a leader is self-appointed; it is not a position or a title – it is in your actions, decisions, integrity and intent; it is your personal decision to step up and stand out from the crowd – it is your birthright to claim.
At Language of Leadership, you will develop the ability to ‘see the unseen’. You will be able to look at any situation and recognise what could happen before it happens and know how to change predicted outcomes – you will experience the true art of leadership.

“It was an awakening/penny-dropping course. There are plenty of ideas and practices that are applicable for improving all facets of day-to-day life”
Dave. C. Project Manager
You Will Learn How To:
Increase your influence as a Leader
Use the 3 ‘Principles of Power’ to build your income and create the life you want
Lead leaders – create your legacy
Inspire confidence and loyalty from colleagues and collaborators
Build unshakeable confidence
Gain more recognition in your area of expertise
Become a champion communicator and team builder
Build champion teams
Stand in your power with integrity
Create balance and harmony in all areas of your life
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